Thursday 14 April 2011

Role Distribution

Group Name: Once Heard
Group Members: Alice Fenwick, Olivia Farrell, Rebecca Cobb, Charlotte Elson

Student and candidate number
Role Allocated
Alice Fenwick
First and last part of the film, her role is to be the women working in the hearing centre, her role is to help ‘Laura’ learn sign language. She also made the poster and helped with the camera.
Olivia Farrell
Throughout the film, my role was to be in charge of the camera, the shots, the angles, the movements etc. I also did the poster analysis, made the poster and did the editing.
Rebecca Cobb
During the whole film she plays “Laura” our main character who is the person who becomes deaf due to an unfortunate accident. She also made the double page spread.
Charlotte Elson
In the middle part of the film her role was to play one of “Laura’s” friends, who is with her at the pub, she also helped me with the camera. She also made the double page spread and drew up the story board

We all played a huge part in writing the script, shot list, editing decision list, shooting script, story board, planning, synopsis and questionnaire.

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