Thursday 14 April 2011

My Short Film Idea- Synopsis

·         Woman sitting down at a coffee shop
·         Shot of man looking at her while drinking his own coffee
·         Man gets up
·         Woman drops her newspaper by accident
·         Man picks it up
·         They exchange eye contact
·         Women says thank you
·         Man walks off
·         She asks if he wants to join her for coffee
·         Man agrees and sits down
·         There is a bit of awkward tension at first due to the fact they don’t know each other
·         They start talking properly
·         Get to know each other
·         He gets a phone call on his blackberry which he answers
·         She continues to read her news paper while he’s on the phone
·         He gets off the phone and says he has to get back to work
·         Woman understands and lets him leave
·         Man asks if she’d like to go for coffee one day
(ironic as they’re already drinking coffee)
·         Women finds it amusing
·         Women agrees
·         They swap numbers
·         Man walks away out of the door
·         Women looks behind her
·         Man looks behind him
·         They both smile as they part.

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