Thursday 14 April 2011

Narrative Research

TODOROV’S THEORY Todorov proposed a basic structure for all narratives. He stated that:

·         Films and programmes begin with an equilibrium, a calm period.
·         Then agents of disruption cause disequilibrium, a period of unsettlement and disquiet.
·          This is then followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists
·         Then a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end.

The simplest form of narrative (sometimes referred to as ‘Classic’ or ‘Hollywood’ narrative).

PROPP’S THEORY –Vladimir Propp’s theory was formed in the early twentieth Century. He studies Russian fairytales and discovered that in stories there were always 8 types of characters evident.
·         These are: the hero, the villain, the donor, the dispatcher, the false hero, the helper, the princess and her father. He did not state these characters were all separate people e.g. the provider could also be the helper.
·         There are only 8 different character types and only 31 things they ever do.
·          Once you have identified the character type (e.g., the hero) it’s easy to guess what they will do (save the maiden, defeat the villain, marry the maiden or whatever) because each character has a SPHERE OF ACTION.

This is easily relatable to films and programmes today.

LEVI-STRAUSS’ BINARY OPPOSITION – Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict.

·         This can be as simple as two characters fighting, but more often functions at an ideological level – e.g., in Westerns, what do the cowboys and Indians each represent? What ideologies are embodied by the opposed sides in LOTR or Star Wars?

BARTHES- Action Code & Enigma Code
·         Action Code - Shorthand for advancing the Narrative (buckling of a gun belt in a Western as a prelude to the gunfight)
·         Enigma Code - sets up the problem, that is then to be resolved during the of the Narrative (Why was the phrase ‘In space no one can hear you scream’ used to promote the film Alien?)
·         He also used the science of signs to explain how meaning is created - semiotics - denotation and connotation.
ARISTOTLE'S UNITIES - Perhaps the first 'narrative theory' as such.
·         A narrative should be created within a 'unity' of time, place and action.
·         It should all take place in the same location, in real time
·         With all action moving towards a logical (and moral) conclusion.

FREYTAG'S DRAMATIC STRUCTURE- Gustav Freytag was a 19th Century German dramatist and novelist who constructed his theory from the analysis of ancient Greek and Shakespearean drama. Freytag's dramatic arc is divided into five parts.
·         Exposition
·         Rising Action
·         Climax
·         Falling Action
·         Denouement/Catastrophe/Resolution

·         Linear is the opposite, when narrative runs smoothly in a straight line, when it is not broken up.

·         Non-linear narrative is one that does not proceed in a straight-line, step-by-step fashion, such as where an author creates a story's ending before the middle is finished.

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