Friday 18 March 2011

Theorists & Practitioners

Shane Meadows- We were inspired by his films, his use of editing, and his realistic approach of characters, we were also inspired by true events due to the fact Shane's films are all based on real life.

Laura Mulvey- "The Male Gaze", we used a panning upwards shot of our female protagonists body, positioning the audience to see her from a males perspective. Although we also tried to go against this by not showing too much of the girl characters flesh.

Todorov- We know that his theory usually includes an equilibrium, then disequilibrium and then a new equilibrium, but we decided to challengehis theory by doing g a non-linear narrative, e,g our use of flashbacks and starting our film at the end. We thought this would have a better effect on our audience and draw them in within the first 10 seconds of our film which we wanted.
Vladimir Propp- Challenged his conventions in that the female was the heroine in our production which went against stereotypical male who predominantly is known for moving a narrative forward. However, we did follow his character functions in using Becca as a protagonist and the Man involved as our antagonist (the one the protagonist has to fight against who creates all these issues).

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