Wednesday 23 March 2011

Research- Natural Lighting

Light is necessary to create an image exposure on a frame of film or on a digital target (CCD, etc.). The art of lighting for cinematography goes far beyond basic exposure, however, into the essence of visual storytelling. Lighting contributes considerably to the emotional response an audience has watching a motion picture.
Considering this, we chose to do research on natural lighting which we think would benefit our short film in various ways due to the fact it’s an educational informational short film, which deals with real life situations.
“In the UK we are used to hearing of SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, a clinically diagnosed condition in which the lack of sunlight in winter makes people feel ill. Natural light helps people to feel better but it can also aid the healing process. In hospitals, studies have proven that the recovery rate of patients is accelerated where levels of natural light are increased.”
This links back to our genre, due to the fact it is all about becoming ill and losing her hearing, if we were to use natural lighting it would give off the impression our film is about illness and reflect on her aim to get better.
Natural Lighting comes across as very realistic, there is nothing set up and fake about it. To do with we would need to capture on a reasonably sunny day.

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