Wednesday 23 March 2011


1 .Are you:
Male / Female
2. What age are you?            
16-25, 26-40, 41+
3. Do you watch short films often?
4. Do you enjoy watching documentary/educational short films?
5. When watching an educational film which elements most important?
- Developing story line
-Making it immediately obvious what we’re educating you on
-How well the actors play their parts
6. When watching an intense scene, how do you like the editing?
-Slow motion
-Straight cuts
7. How often do you watch educational films?
-Once/twice a week
-Once month
8. Where do you watch educational films?
9. Which ending do you prefer?
-Cliff hanger
-Mysterious open ending
10. Do you think flash backs are an effective way of showing the past?

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