Tuesday 3 May 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used new media technology in the sense that we used a much larger, more professional camera in this product, in order to receive better camera angles shots and movement, we could use more techniques for example pull focus which we enjoyed using. We also could zoom a lot further in and still zoom. Although facing some trouble with our tripod being quite squeaky, we overcame this by figuring out how to loosen it and fixing it using our own initiative. When editing our short film we used Premiere Pro which was a huge step up from Windows Movie Maker which I used on my last short film. Premier Pro is a lot more technical and we needed a lot of knowledge on the software to be able to understand how to use it, in order to do this we watched many teachings on YouTube and what to press to do particular techniques. We also used Photoshop to create our poster and Windows Excel to create our double page spread.

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